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In a hadith, Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet said, "Men wear perfume that smells good, but the traces cannot be seen. Meanwhile, women use perfume whose traces are visible, but the fragrance is disguised."' (HR Abu Dawud 2238)

Fragrances that are suitable for men are odorous, such as those made from several types of wood, jasmine flowers, or other permitted types of perfume, which can be smelled, but do not leave a trace on the body.

The Prophet did not like to see traces of shafrah and zakfaran fragrances on men. The Prophet did not even reply to greetings to Ammar, who still had zakfaran marks on his body. After Ammar washed the residue, the Prophet answered his greeting (HR Abu Dawud 4176). This is because the fragrance has visible traces and it is meant for men.

Women are the opposite. They are told to dress up for their husbands, so that they always look attractive in front of their husbands. There is no prohibition for them from wearing all kinds of jewelry, such as wearing zakfaran perfume, covering the body with perfume and wearing Henna (nail dye henna / natural skin tattooing), you can also use other coloring substances to beautify yourself, but the aroma should not spread to your skin and other people.

Women can wear perfume that leaves a trace, but the smell is disguised.


Sumber: Fikih Wanita ditulis oleh Dr.Ali bin Sa’id Al-Ghamidi – Pengajar Fikih di Masjid Nabawi, Madinah Al-Munawwaroh.

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