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The Beautiful Side of Bung Karno

President Soekarno, who led Indonesia from its independence in 1945 until 1967, is widely regarded as a charismatic and influential leader. Some of the beautiful sides of his leadership include:

Passion for Indonesia. Soekarno was deeply passionate about Indonesia and its people, and worked tirelessly to promote their interests. He played a pivotal role in

the country's struggle for independence from colonial rule, and his vision for a united and prosperous Indonesia inspired generations of Indonesians.

Oratorical Skills. Soekarno was a gifted orator who was able to communicate his ideas and vision to the masses in a compelling and inspiring manner. His speeches are still remembered and celebrated today, and many Indonesians continue to be inspired by his words.

Cultural Appreciation. Soekarno had a deep appreciation for Indonesia's diverse cultures, and worked to promote and celebrate them. He established the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah park in Jakarta, which showcases the country's rich cultural heritage through traditional architecture, costumes, and crafts.

International Diplomacy. Soekarno was also skilled in international diplomacy, and played a leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement, which sought to promote the interests of developing countries. He was also instrumental in establishing the Asia-Africa Conference, which aimed to promote solidarity and cooperation among nations of the two continents.

Infrastructure Development. Soekarno also oversaw a period of significant infrastructure development in Indonesia, including the construction of roads, ports, and airports. His government also invested in education and healthcare, laying the groundwork for Indonesia's future growth and development.

Romantic and Poetical Husband to His Wives. Bung Karno ever wrote romantic poets as Love Letters to represent affection to his wives. One of them is a poet to Ratna Sari Dewi (Naoko Nemoto), Bung Karno's Japanese wife: "Secara fisik, saya ada di sini dalam sebuah pertemuan kabinet, tapi hati saya bersamamu." (Physically, I am here in a cabinet meeting, but my heart is with you.)

The Conqueror of Beautiful Women. He married nine beautiful women. Nevertheless, he divorced some of his wives, they are Siti Oetari, Inggit Garnasih, Kartini Manoppo, Haryati, Yurike Sanger and Heldy Djafar.

Had A Good Taste of Music. Post Indonesia's independence, this nation's founding father strongly opposed Western music by giving it the term 'ngak-ngik-ngok' music. Those who disobey his orders will be thrown into prison immediately. Koes Bersaudara one of them. Bung Karno was very anti against all types of music related to the country which he called imperialism. In a book entitled Testimony About Bung Karno, Soekarno is said to have been more fond of traditional music such as Lenso's music from Maluku. Besides, he composed a song titled "Bersuka Ria" which sang by Bing Slamet, Rita Zahara, Titiek Puspa, and Nien Lesmana.

Overall, President Soekarno was a complex and multifaceted leader who left an indelible mark on Indonesia's history and culture. While he was not without his flaws, his contributions to the country's independence and development are widely celebrated and appreciated.

By ai nenden triana

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